

Gavin Hubble is running a successful blog His readership spreads the globe and has steady traffic with a very low bounce rate. The majority of readers are related to the industry – wine makers, alcohol industry representatives/distributors and retail outlets such as Countdown, Liquorland, Glengarry etc. Working for Hancock’s Ltd. – a wine and spirit importer, he is also creating and running classes on wine education.


With the general audience on the page being very industry-focused, it is the client’s goal to expand and reach a more generic audience. The website has been created to educate the public by explaining the varieties and diversities of wine. Together we are aiming to achieve a broader target audience.

We are expecting to drive more traffic to his website with users returning frequently for updates. By expanding the readership, we are targeting everyday consumers to raise excitement and knowledge about wine in general.

We are trying to make users more engaging and open to learning about something they might not have understood or cared about yet. Instead of simple consumption, wine is a huge area of science, flavours and techniques that are all leaving a mark on the final product in someone’s glass.

By raising awareness of why something is different, people will think more about what and how they are consuming a product.


Young professionals aged from 25 to 35 who are willing to learn in order to make an impact in work as well as social scenarios. Their time resources are limited due to still settling into the professional environment, while striving to gain track in their career. However, they are always connected for work and social reasons and are familiar with most social platforms. In their spare time they are networking and the line between their private lives and work starts blurring.


Throughout this campaign we will utilise Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and websites to raise awareness for Targeting individuals in their spare time rather than professionals in office scenarios, the timing and distribution of content will be crucial and has to happen mainly outside office hours to maximise the impact and visibility.

We are looking at creating a launch campaign spanning four weeks in total. The last day will be the reveal of the new section on the client’s website and conclude any further actions. After the campaign ended we will have time to analyse the data collected during the life-span and reflect on the challenges, effects and final outcomes.

We are looking at an elegant and mysterious design limiting colours to black, white and grey scales. This will keep the effort for asset creation simple. The tone of the campaign has to be easy and approachable in order to engage young and mature adults alike.

The campaign will run prior to launching a new features category on the website. The new category is about comparisons of two seemingly similar products (i.e., oaked chardonnay versus unoaked chardonnay).

Based on the new feature category, we are looking at creating material that prepares and excites the target audience for it.


The material we are intending to create and utilise:

  • Mini website (maximum of 3 pages)
  • Landing pages (A-B testing with different executions)
  • Facebook posts (engaging and prepared for Facebook-only)
  • Twitter (Material for Twitter, including a new hashtag for all promotions)
  • Pinterest (New material mixed with landing pages and mini website to increase exposure)

All materials will be created by us for this project. The client has offered to assist with selecting suitable imagery and also will be involved in discussions starting from the design of the prototypes for the various materials.

Starting point

The best way to start will be the creation of the mini website. From that point on we will have design and tone guidelines for all other platforms and can ensure that the look and feel will be maintained across all outlets.

The mini website should give a preview into what people will be exposed to on the wineguy website and have little bite-sized information that can be edited and expanded throughout the launch campaign.

2 thoughts on “Proposal

  1. This is really good. I think one thing we could work on is the target audience. I know that they are going to be 18+ but I think it’s too broad to state that. It would be better to state an age range and maybe the type of person that we are targeting, to have a better idea on how we can go about creating this campaign. For instance, are we targeting females aged 40 who like to drink wine with their dinner at home? or females who are 24 who like to drink wine with their girlfriends on a night out? I think it’s hard to make a campaign that is for everyone because everyone is different (age, gender…etc) but stating a specific audience would help us make a great campaign for that specific target audience.


  2. How about we go with something along the lines of young professionals aged from 25 to 35 who are willing to learn in order to make an impact in work as well as social scenarios. Their time resources are limited due to still settling into the professional environment, while striving to gain track in their career. However, they are always connected for work and social reasons and are familiar with most social platforms. In their spare time they are networking and the line between their private lives and work starts blurring.

    This will give us a good ground to explain why we utilise the platforms we have selected and we are reaching people who need to not only know their field, but need to be capable of a wide range of skills and knowledge, i.e., taking out a client for lunch/dinner or meeting the competition at a launch party.


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